Supporters of the Year

Without our supporters, Take a Kid Fishing would not be possible. In addition to the committee members, supporters also serve roles such as guides, first mates, food prep and cooking, button making, set-up, and clean-up. The recipient of the award demonstrates efforts that go above and beyond the call of duty. They have also been part of the Take a Kid Fishing event for at least 10 years. Each supporter of the year receives an embroidered jacket from the committee.

2021 – Rodger Haugtvedt, Kellie Nordolf & Nick Abel

2020 – no event

2019 – Betty Mouw, Ann Bishop, Stevel Carlson, Barry Bailey & Beef (Bryan)Sathre

2018 – Rick Rone, Oly Olson, Vyron Hoftizer, Don Smith, Sue Smith and Whitey Wertanen

2017 – Rocky Thompson, Bob Peterson, Diana Hennum, Brady Abbey, Sherry Abbey & Barb Larson

2016 – Sue Baron

2015 – Roy Abraham

2014 – Buck Nordlof

2013 – Ralph Christofferson

2012 – Darren Olson

2011 – Reed McFarlane

2010 – Brent Birkland

2009 – Lisa Beckstrand

2008 – Tim Lyon

2007 – Mike Larson

2006 – Dennis Topp

2005 – Arvid Jaranson

2004 – LuAnn Hennum

2003 – Roger Dorow

2002 – Mel Mollberg

2001 – Art Anderson

Website donated by Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge